Monday, December 17, 2007

Missing Walmart

I have been addicted to Walmart since they first opened their doors in the Phoenix area in the 1980's. Their original idea to locate their stores in small communities that needed jobs and affordable prices was commendable to say the least!

During the 3 years at our home in NM running to Walmart for everything from groceries to prescriptions (gotta love the $4.00 generics!) to dog food was at least a weekly occurance. I could spend hours just wandering around and getting some excersize at the same time. After all, sometimes it was too hot or too cold to do my walking outside! Sometimes I found things we "just had to have" that I didn't even know existed...heehee...

Now we are living out here in the middle of nowhere....nothing wrong with that, in fact we prefer it that way. BUT! the nearest Walmart is 2 hours away!!!! OMG! The closest grocery store of any size is City Market in Moab, 30 miles away. The first time I shopped there I stopped dead in the middle if the first aisle, blocking traffic, in total STICKER SHOCK. Oh dear.......the tomatoes are over $3.00 per pound, the Sara Lee Delightful multi grain bread that we like is almost $4.00. What am I going to do?

There has been talk recently of a Walmart coming to Moab but the planning commission is afraid it would "ruin the image" of Moab they want to preserve. HUH?!?! If you have ever been to Moab you know that it is an old ranch/uranium mining town that had almost dried up and blown away before it was "discovered" as a "must do" tourist town by Jeepers and bicyclists. The current image is a mix of lots of really old rundown single wide mobile homes and new high end condos and trophy homes. Which aspect do the city fathers (and mothers) want to preserve? They are also boohooing the lack of funds they need to build a new sewer treatment plant and aquatic center.......gee, do you suppose the sales tax from a new Walmart would help with that?

In the meantime we will just have to schedule an occasional trip to Grand Junction, CO to ease my withdrawal pains. That's where the newest grandbaby is, one more good reason to make the trip. I sure miss my walkin pantry and 2 upright freezers!

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