Sunday, December 30, 2007

Music, Movies and Books

It seems I am missing some important gene, the one that drives others to have gadgets like iPods so they can listen to their favorite music. Back in the dark ages when I was a pre-teen and then teen, I can only remember owning 2 45s. One was Elvis' "Fools Rush In" (I don't even LIKE Elvis!) and the other was some child prodigy who even I can't remember. That was it, 2 records. My money was hard earned, I babysat, my parents could not afford to give any of us kids an allowance. Having that beautiful yellow angora sweater that shed all over was more important than records. Sure, I listened to music all the time, on that new invention called a transistor radio!

That mind set continues to this day. Our only CD players are in the vehicles but we don't have any CDs to put in them. We do have Sirius radio for all of them and also as part of our Dish satellite TV. With Sirius I can match the music to my mood: cleaning the house? a little old time rock and roll livens things right up; gloomy day? jazz or easy listening is called for; rolling down the road? country western is our choice. And weekends are NASCAR baby!!

I also like listening to local stations to find out what is going on in the area. Who knows, we might want to go to that rodeo or the grand opening of a new grocery store. Sometimes the weather reports are even close to being right!

If I only listened to music by my favorite artists that I had recorded, how would I know about new stars and songs?

The same holds true for movies. I would no more buy a DVD than hold my hand in the campfire. We don't go to movies and don't have Showtime or HBO on our Dish package. Why would we want to spend $$ on a movie that we may not like and would for sure never want to watch again? The movies will eventually come on TNT or TBS, we aren't in a hurry. And there is the option of PPV...we haven't tried it yet but "Wild Hogs" is available for $1.99 today. Maybe.......

Books. We also don't buy books even tho' Al and I are avid readers. We patronize the local library or the many places where you can "leave one, take one". I am very picky about my reading is too short to read poorly written books. If I can't find anything to my liking, there is always a world of blogs and information on any subject I am interested in on the internet!

I'm really glad I'm not spending time today trying to figure out how to put music on an iPod!

1 comment:

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Ditto for me, Kris. I don't own an ipod (although my husband does) or an MP3 player of any kind as I can't find one with a radio. I have a little transistor radio that I use when I walk. We took the CD player out of the RV but have one in the truck and mostly I play one Shania Twain CD over and over. About the only time we use the ipod is for books on tape/CD. My sister gives us those, my DH transfers to the ipod and then we give them to someone else to use.

We don't have a sirius radio either. Sometimes I use the radio part of my TV package but that's pretty rare.

I don't go to movies either, don't like the seats, don't like the prices and usually don't like the people sitting in front of me. I did go to a movie this summer with my sister, the first in about 15 years and it took my back a week to recover.

Getting old's a b****, isn't it?